Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound
Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound

toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound

toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound

And I can import, I'm going to use my library here, 3D objects into a scene and I can keep them as a 3D model, or render it out as 2D. We're also now able to import images either as shots or layers, that's very handy. We also now have a video track so I can add images or videos above or below my drawings, which is one of my favorite new things. This allows us, as we go in really closely here, click on a line to change any part of the line that we want. In addition we have a new tool called the centerline editor. This has taken the place of what we used to call the dynamic brush, so this makes it much easier. One of the big ones is this new tool here, which is our stamp tool. There have also been some really big enhancements, now when we move into version six. And another big change of version five is the workspace has been updated. So those are some really great changes so now, if I put any key frames onto the group, it affects both of these layers at the same time. That allows me to move layers using the layer transform button over here, which I can now also add key frames onto my timeline. Here I've got my foreground and I've got my ink layers. So we have individual layers here but I can group them under any title. One of my favorites is the ability to group layers. So let's start with the biggest changes that they added in version five. So, it's important to keep up to date if you share files with other artists. One note, most of our profiles will not open in early versions of the software, although artists in version six have been able to open many version seven files.

#Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound update

Each new update has stayed with the software, so I'll use version seven here as I step through them. You'll find that this course contains information featured on all these updates. Some artists may not have updated their software so this video briefly outlines the main differences in the versions to help you decide if you should upgrade. Storyboard Pro has made a number of great updates from version five through version seven.

Toon boom storyboard pro 5.5 importing sound